7 Tips on How to Prepare Your Car for a Family Road Trip

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7 Tips on How to Prepare Your Car for a Family Road Trip

7 Tips on How to Prepare Your Car for a Family Road Trip
7 Tips on How to Prepare Your Car for a Family Road Trip

Image source: Pexels

When done right, family road trips are a wonderful adventure. If something goes wrong, it can ruin the whole experience. Of course, there are always some things you can’t predict, but it’s really important that you do what is in your power to make this the best road trip ever. Back in the day, road trips didn’t require this much planning, but now when you have a family of your own, it’s a completely different story. Here are 7 steps on how to make it a real success.

Give it a thorough clean

It goes without saying, yet we are always surprised with the amount of time we spend dusting and vacuuming the car so it’s better to have it decluttered and washed for us. It should come as no surprise just how much work that can be if you bear in mind that. For instance, 75% of Australians like having their meals while driving. Almost 10% have a habit of brushing their teeth inside the car, too. Unfortunately, multitasking isn’t good for your safety or the state of your car.

Do the regular maintenance

There are plenty of things you can do yourself, such as pouring the windshield washer fluid, or changing your tires (make sure the spare one is in equally good condition, too). But don’t hesitate to leave your car in the hands of professionals who will check and replace the engine oil and oil filter, for example. It’s essential that you set off with your car in a flawless condition. In case you’ve been putting off certain issues and waiting to go on this one last trip before fully committing to the problems. It’s about time you resolved everything.

Prepare the emergency repair kit

Road trips are unpredictable, and that’s one of their appeals. On the other hand, you should be ready for all kinds of both unpleasant and unforeseen situations, and better have an emergency kit at hand. It should consist of the jack, duct tape, jumper cables, flash light (don’t always rely on your mobile phones), air pump, some basic tools (screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches), tire sealant, and so on.

Emergency comfort kit

By this we have in mind the regular first aid kit, but also some anti-boredom aids, too. Make sure your family is comfortable while travelling, so add some extra pillows and blankets. Snacks and drinks are mandatory, as well as comics or books. For the little ones, prepare some worksheets and crayons. You could also use some support for your back in the driver’s seat. Last but not least, a roll of toilet paper shouldn’t be forgotten by any means.

Have your paperwork ready

The glove compartment isn’t just for sunglasses. This is where you should store all the travel documents you need for the trip. An insurance policy, a map, a vehicle’s owner’s manual, the vehicle registration card should all be there, as well as the emergency contacts of your auto club.

Weigh your cargo

In other words, pack smart. Even though you should bring the essentials, be careful about what you count as the essentials. Try to really pack only what you are sure is absolutely needed for the trip. Also, don’t forget that your passengers are also your cargo – hence you should include them in the equation of how much weight your car can take.

Overload will result in getting fewer miles per gallon, and take a toll on the tires, too. They will be more prone to flats and blowouts. In case you have a roof rack, remember it comes with the weight bearing capacity.

Use the technology to your advantage

Admittedly, it’s always good to have a proper map, but to make your trip even easier, you should consider buying a reliable GPS navigation. Simply insert your route in advance, though make sure you are using the updated version. Do not rely too much on your mobile phones – you know they can always run out of battery etc.

Technology is there to have fun with, too, so you had better made a cool playlist that will appeal to all the passengers. If it’s impossible, try making a mix of different songs, which will be to everybody’s taste from time to time.

Check the air conditioning

Take a moment to remember if your air conditioning is as cool as it used to be. If it’s not, then you should better do something about it before hitting the road. Excess heat or cold definitely harm the overall mood, and the driver’s concentration, too. Feel free to tell the professionals to pay special attention and tell you if the coolant needs recharging.

Finally, these seven steps are indeed simple, but they do require some time and have to be completed before going on your adventure. Therefore, start with the preparations today!





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