Blue Driving School
A Worthwhile Guide For Those Who Have Just Passed Their Driving Test2

A Worthwhile Guide For Those Who Have Just Passed Their Driving Test

There’s nothing quite as exhilarating and liberating as passing your driving test. You finally have your independence. Now you just need to buy your own car and you can hit the open road. Of course, whilst you are licensed to operate a vehicle, you’re still very new to the world of driving. That means you still have a lot to learn, and many new drivers make many mistakes because they fail to appreciate this. This is a worthwhile guide for those who have just passed their driving test.

A Worthwhile Guide For Those Who Have Just Passed Their Driving Test

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Buying your first car.

The first step is buying your first car. This is an exciting experience, but it’s not one you should rush. It’s obviously tempting to buy a car as quickly as possible, but you need to give the decision some thought. Don’t just buy the first appealing vehicle you see at your local dealership. If you’re interested in a particular model then do some research to find out your options; use a comparison website to find the cheapest deal out there. Plus, if a dealer sees that you’re eager to buy a particular car then they’re probably going to charge you more for additional features you don’t need. Play the cool game. Haggle by expressing disinterest for the price offered to you.

If you still find yourself unable to afford the car you want even after searching the internet for cheap options and haggling with potential buyers then you might want to seek financing. There are plenty of routes to take in this regard. Plenty of people need support when it comes to affording their first car. You could consider leasing instead of buying, for example. It’d cost you less in the long run, and it’s a wise option if you’re planning on changing your car in a few years anyway. You might also want to consider checking out some cheap car loans. Borrowing some money from a reputable lender might help you to afford your first vehicle.

Continuing your learning.

Continuing your learning is worthwhile for those who have just passed their driving test. You might be tired of tests at this point, but it’s worth training even further if you want to be a safe and responsible driver. For instance, learning to drive on the highway can be highly beneficial because that isn’t something you’ll have been taught during your driving lessons. Obviously, learning through experience is important too, but it would be hugely helpful to your confidence if you had some expert advice to make sure you’re doing everything properly.

You’ll also be able to enjoy a lower insurance premium if you have this extra qualification under your belt. That’s why it’s worth taking these additional lessons before you buy your first car and sort out your insurance coverage. It could save you a lot of money in the long run as well as making you a safer driver. It’ll set you off on the right road to being a good driver in the long-term. Beyond that, you’ll learn as you drive. Make sure you pay attention to the road around you. You’ll learn a lot by observing your environment (you’ll even learn what you shouldn’t do by noticing the bad habits of other drivers).

A Worthwhile Guide For Those Who Have Just Passed Their Driving Test2

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Avoiding any distractions.

Avoiding distractions is very hard for many drivers, whether they’re new to the road or they’ve been driving for years. Distractions are everywhere when you’re driving, but the best drivers manage to maintain their focus. For starters, you need to avoid distractions inside your vehicle. There are lots of obvious things to avoid, but many drivers are still irresponsible when it comes to focusing on the road. First of all, make sure you ignore your phone. Obviously, it’s against the law to use your phone whilst driving, but that doesn’t stop many people. It might be worth putting it on silent; even the sound of it ringing might distract you. You should also encourage your passengers to be respectful. If they’re distracting you by talking loudly or singing then don’t be afraid to ask them to keep the volume down. It’s essential to everyone’s safety that you can concentrate on the road.

You also need to avoid distractions outside the vehicle. This might be a hard piece of advice to interpret. After all, driving well is all about observing your environment. You have to pay attention to the things happening on the road. However, there’s a right and a wrong way to do this. You need to pay attention to your own position on the road, above all else. If you see an area that’s been cordoned off as the result of an accident, for example, then it’s unsafe to distract yourself by turning your neck to observe the situation rather than the road in front of you. The safe way to react is to clock the accident, slow down your vehicle, and safely move on. Your priority is to keep yourself, your passengers, and other people on the road safe. If that isn’t your focus whilst you’re driving then you’re distracted.

Assessing your mindset.

Ensure you drive in the right state of mind. This is perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice for any driver, whether you’ve just passed your driving test or not. People drive in the wrong state of mind even after years or decades of having a license. It’s a mistake that causes dangerous situations on the road every single day. And we’re not just talking about driving under the influence of alcohol. Obviously, that’s incredibly dangerous when operating a vehicle, but most people know not to do that (it’s illegal, but it’s also a risk to your life). You need to think about other states of mind that might prevent your ability to drive safely. For instance, driving whilst tired is very dangerous. In some ways, it’s the same as driving under the influence of alcohol; it slows your reflexes and your ability to concentrate. Driving whilst angry, anxious, or agitated in any sense is dangerous too. Always ensure you’re in the right state of mind. As mentioned in the previous point, you need to avoid distractions on the road.

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