4 Ways Learning To Drive Is Different From Learning To Ride

Posted in: Driving Tips, News.

Are you thinking about learning to ride a motorbike after passing your driving test? If so, then it’s important to realize that the process is considerably different. Here are some of the key changes that you should be aware of.

4 Ways Learning To Drive Is Different From Learning To Ride
4 Ways Learning To Drive Is Different From Learning To Ride

Pixabay Source CCO License

Is It More Difficult?

The big question that’s probably on your mind is whether one process is a lot more difficult than the other. The answer is that in terms of difficulty in terms of your mindset and the way you think as well your hand-eye coordination. If you are great at multitasking then you’ll find it easier to learn how to drive a car. There’s less to think about when you’re on a bike. Your main focus needs to be balance. If you’re on a bike, then there are other complications including changing the gears. This is a little different from how things are in a car, but you’ll soon get used to it with practice.

The Instructor Is Right There With You

One of the key differences between learning to ride and learning to drive is that if you are learning to drive a car the instructor and the examiner will be on the bike next to you. This isn’t the case when you are learning to ride a bike. Instead, the instructor and the examiner both follow behind you. The reason for this is obvious. It gives them a more clear view of what’s happening around you and potentially, any mistakes that you might have made along the way. It also allows them to talk to you. Rather than speaking directly to you, you’ll typically hear your instructor or examiner in an earphone that you wear. Some will also use GPS systems too to keep you on the right track. There are lots of GPS systems for bikes including BMW’s own and you can buy it here.

Learning With A Friend Or Family Member

A big difference between bikes and cars is that it’s easier to learn with a friend or family member in a car. While technically possible to do this on a bike, it’s a lot more complicated. Even if they ride next to you, the chances of you hearing everything or even anything is quite slim. As well as this, you’ll also need to be wary of bad habits. These can be a tad more serious on a bike. Although there’s a chance of this learning to drive from a friend in a car too.

There’s More To Learn In A Car

This point can be argued, however, most would agree that there’s more to learn when you choose to drive. There’s certainly more info you need to pass the test or even be ready for it. For instance, you need to know how to parallel park and complete a 360 point turn. There are other bits too such as reversing around a corner. None of this is necessary or even possible when you’re on a motorbike so you might again find this test just a tad easier. But there are certainly no guarantees with that one.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key differences that you might need to be aware of if you are learning to ride a motorcycle after passing your driving test or vice versa.

4 Ways Learning To Drive Is Different From Learning To Ride1
4 Ways Learning To Drive Is Different From Learning To Ride1

Pixabay Source CCO License


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