Blue Driving School

Looking for a Driving Instructor in Aldershot?

A driving school is a fundamental part of the driver’s education process for anyone looking to get on the road ways or improve their existing driving skills. Whether your goal is to simply learn how to pilot a vehicle for the first time, or to become qualified to operate professional vehicles, or to get some advanced driving techniques under your belt, Blue School of Motoring can provide you with the tools and training you need to be a safe and confident driver.

From The First Time Behind The Wheel

Blue School of Motoring emphasises the necessity of learning properly and being bestowed with good driving practises for every student from the first time behind the wheel. Taking driving seriously is an essential element behind any driver’s education course, and one which Blue School of Motoring thoroughly instils in all our graduates. For the safety of everyone on the roads, the driver’s education at Blue School of Motoring takes every possible measure to educate and train drivers in our program, not only to pass licensing exams, but to become highly competent and safe members of the road way.

Pass With Flying Colours

The most standard drivers education courses offered at Blue School of Motoring are geared towards taking first time drivers, and preparing them as quality drivers fully capable of passing their drivers exams and becoming licensed, legal drivers in the UK. These courses are designed in modules which cover every requirement as set out by the Driving Standards Agency, to prepare students for the official exams such as drivers Theory, the Hazards Perception Test and the Practical test itself. Blue School of Motoring even features an under-17 course which takes students onto private tracks to practice their driving, letting them get a leg up and learn early.

Find Some More Advanced Skills

If you’re already familiar and comfortable behind the wheel, have your license and a bit of mileage under your belt, there is still plenty that Blue School of Motoring has to teach. Our Pass Plus Courses are geared towards giving students who just passed their Practical Test, who want a bit more knowledge and insight into advanced driving techniques. Courses are available for both automatic and manual transmissions. Their “intensive” courses attempt to cover a broad amount of material in a condensed time frame, giving you an ideal option if you need to get a license or learn to drive as quickly as possible. For those who might have spent some time away from the motorways, Blue School of Motoring offers refresher courses which aim to get you back on the road and driving confidently as ever.

Professional Options

There are also several courses offered for those looking to become professional drivers in one capacity or another. These include Fleet Driver Training, which gives students the skills necessary to operate fleet vehicles such as company vans or cars. Taxi Driver Training aims to help aspiring taxi drivers prepare for their taxi driver test. For those looking to become a professional driving instructor themselves, Blue School of Motoring offers a plan to pass on their expert abilities to would-be driving instructors.

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